Trial concludes March 6, 2025. 1789-1914 (Restricted to VIVA/ODU) Nineteenth Century British Empire covers primary and secondary material from 1789 - 1914, searchable by themes, region, period and notable figures.
Trial concludes April 4, 2025. Current (Restricted to ODU) Sage Data, powered by Data Planet, saves time and effort by providing a single platform to quickly find, explore, visualize, and share detailed data from the most trusted source providers.
Trial concludes April 4, 2025. Current (Restricted to ODU) Sage Research Methods provides the answer for multiple user groups; This includes a quick dictionary definition, a case study example from a researcher in the field, a downloadable teaching dataset, a full-text title from the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series, or a video tutorial showing research in action.
Trial concludes April 4, 2025. Current (Restricted to ODU) Sage Video Suite brings teaching, learning, and research to life through editorially curated collections across social, behavioral, and health sciences.