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Learning Commons Conference Rooms

Learning Commons Conference Rooms 1 and 2 (1310-1311) are designed for programs open to Old Dominion University students, faculty, and staff. This guide provides you with information on how to reserve the rooms, room policies, and possible room set ups.

Before You Book

Beginning August 25, 2023, Learning Commons Conference Rooms will be set up in classroom style with tables and chairs arranged in rows, facing the projector screen and whiteboards.  Users of the room will be responsible for arranging furniture in the style they desire and returning the room to the classroom style. Please email for any questions. 

Important Notice Regarding the Learning Commons Conference Rooms

If a sponsor and/or event attendee needs assistance with the equipment in the Learning Commons' conference room, it is important to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the event to receive assistance.  Once a scheduled event begins or when event attendees begin to arrive (whatever comes first), all tech questions will have to be referred to Classroom Central at 757-683-3192 or by visiting Classroom Central's office on the 1st floor of Perry Library.  If you need assistance finding Classroom Central's office, please visit the Perry Library Help Desk (1st floor of Perry Library).

If the event occurs on a holiday or the weekend and tech assistance is needed, it is recommended that event sponsors contact at least five business day prior to the event to make tech assistance arrangements as Classroom Central may not be available during holidays and the weekends.


General Policies for Learning Commons Conference Rooms

  • The Learning Commons Conference Rooms are designed for programs open to ODU students, faculty, and staff that support learning opportunities and engagement. The use of the room shall be consistent with the educational mission of the University and with the general nature of the facility.
  • The sponsoring group must be an ODU campus department/office, or an ODU student organization registered with the Office of Student Engagement & Traditions.
  • A reservation is required for programs in the conference rooms and requests are submitted through the online form.
  • Room requests will be confirmed or denied by Learning Commons operations staff after determining room availability.
  • Scheduled events and set up for scheduled events have precedence over all other usage of the conference rooms.
  • Conference room reservations are not granted for study groups. Collaboration rooms are available for group study.

