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Gen Ed Composition Library Instruction

This guide gathers information and materials for the lessons developed the library for use in General Education Composition courses

About The Lessons

In order  to support instructors' development of students research skills in ENGL 110C, ENGL 211C, and ENGL 231C, the Libraries have developed a set of lesson plans for library instruction around various aspects of the research process for students in these classes.

Each class is different and these lessons are designed to give instructors the ability to make choices about what skills students need additional help with in order to complete the assignments in their class. While some of these lessons compliment one another—noted under Prerequisites—instructors may choose the lessons that are most relevant to their class and best compliment their teaching.

Using these Lessons Outside Library Instruction

All lessons are licensed for resuse with a Creative Commons license and you are welcome to use or adapt them in your class without scheduling library instruction. However, if you choose to teach a lesson yourself, please take a moment to email us at so that we can keep track of the impact of our work creating these materials.