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UNIV 120: Career and Major Exploration


Getting started with research is sometimes the hardest part! Most likely, you'll have to do some pre-search on your career interests or major to figure out exactly what your research topic is going to be. For your presearch, I recommend spending some time exploring your topic(s) of interest, looking at:

  • Websites
  • Books
  • Encyclopedias & other Reference Resources


Books are a great place to start for your pre-search. You can find books on broad topics, like selecting a career, or more specific topics such as careers in a particular area.

To search for books, begin with the search box below, or the main search box on the ODU Libraries' homepage. When the results come up, limit your "Resource Type" to Books.


Encyclopedias are great for finding basic information about careers. Here are a few examples of what the ODU Libraries provides. To find more, using Monarch OneSearch, try a keyword related to your topic paired with the term encyclopedia.

Example Search: Career and Education and Encyclopedia

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