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Open Educational Resources (OER) and Affordable Course Content (ACC)

Learn about OER and ACC, including how to find, evaluate and create open resources, and how to acquire affordable course materials through the libraries.

Resources to Learn More


OER Adoptions on the Rise. The number of faculty members choosing open educational resources over traditional textbooks has nearly doubled in the last year, but awareness over all remains low. By Lindsay McKenzie, December 19, 2017, Inside Higher Ed.

The Truth (About OER) Is Out There. Faculty members struggle to find open educational resources or even understand what they are -- but solutions are bubbling up. By Mark Lieberman, January 10, 2018. Inside HigherEd

The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics (PDF – Links to an external source and may not be accessible) by Nicholas.B. Colvard, C.Edward Watson, Hyojin Park. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2018, Volume 30, Number 2, 262-276.

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