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HIED 752/852: Law in Higher Education

Databases for Legal Research

Other Related Databases

Need to Practice?!

If you want to practice law research, based on what you learned in class, here are some activities that may help!

Activity #1

  1. Access the Nexis Uni database. Look up the case Grutter V. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306
  2. Briefly scan the information and documents available
  3. Shepardize the case by selecting the “next steps” drop-down option on the right-hand side of the screen.

 Activity # 2

  1. Access the ProQuest Congressional database (either using the HIED 753/853 course guide or the Find Databases A-Z link on the library homepage)
  2. Search for “every student suceeds act”
  3. Explore available options.

Activity #3

  1. Use Google Scholar to search for legal documents related to Brown v. Board of Education.
  2. Use Google Scholar to search for legal cases pertaining to Norfolk City Public Schools (or any other topic that interests you).