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Monarch Book Club

About the Monarch Book Club

The Monarch Book Club began in the Fall of 2019 to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to connect with the ODU Libraries and with each other through engaging conversations about readings. Our purpose is to provide structure for leisure reading and meaningful discussion of a diverse set of literature to our undergraduate students. The book club is student-driven as much as possible. We encourage students to vote on book selections, to lead group discussions, and to participate in the planning process.

We hope that participants in Monarch Book Club will benefit from interaction with peers who also enjoy reading, lively discussion of a wide range of topics, and by connecting with the University Libraries and the broader campus community.


  • Any undergraduate student at ODU can participate
  • The first ten students to register receive a free copy of the book (funding pending), giving priority to students who participated in the most recent book club. If you do not receive a free book, we encourage you to try Interlibrary Loan (free), or searching for a used copy at your favorite book store or online vendor. Your public library may also be a good option!
  • Participants should read the book prior to the meeting.
  • We will ask participants for ideas for discussion questions and send discussion questions to participants a week before the meeting.