The Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education serves as the major vehicle for regional cooperation among institutions of higher education and affiliated agencies. Since 1973 consortium institution libraries have participated in reciprocal direct borrowing to students, faculty and staff of member institutions. In many cases, the electronic resources and services of consortium libraries are also available to member institutions.
The mission of the VTC Library Directors Committee is to promote library and information services in support of the purpose of the VTC; to encourage cooperation amongst the VTC member institutions; to stimulate and foster community interest in the VTC libraries and librarianship; to articulate and disseminate financial and program information about the operations of the VTC libraries to the President of the VTC; to provide an audience for the concerns of VTC subcommittees; and to provide Library Directors a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas. Subcommittees include Circulation, Collection Development, and Reference and Instruction.
This VTC Libraries ligbuide provides information to members of VTC libraries, as well as students in the communities we serve. It is only updated sporadically.