A persistent identifier or PID is a "long-lasting reference to a digital resource" (ORCID, What are persistent identifiers (PIDs)?). PIDs are unique to a person, place, or thing, and serve as disambiguation tools as well as reliable access points to a digital entity.
PIDs for Individuals
Other PIDs for individuals includes Web of Science ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID.
PIDs for Organizations
ODU's ROR ID is https://ror.org/04zjtrb98
PIDs for Research Outputs
Other object identifiers include ARK, Handle, and PURL (National Transportation Persistent Identifier LibGuide)
Additional Persistent Identifiers
Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) "provide ways to connect research components...[and] promote FAIR practices but supporting linkages, providing increased discoverability, and enabling interoperability between research components" (PIDs@OSTI.gov).
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information provides additional more information on Connecting Persistent Identifiers.
Johns Hopkins University DOI Services provides several important reasons to assign a type of PID (a DOI) to your dataset, including:
Data Citation "is the practice of referencing data products used in research" (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Citation) and serves many purposes, including providing credit to authors, aiding in transparency and reproducibility, and tracking the impact and reuse of a dataset.
Additional resources: