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LibKey provides a collection of services that simplify and accelerates access to all scholarly content from any access point of discovery.

LibKey suite of services

LibKey Discovery

Provides linking to journal article content from Monarch OneSearch 
Image below shows a screenshot with two links circled. These links are Get PDF and Read HTML. 
Click Get PDF to access PDF of the article. 
Click Read HTML to access HTML of the article.   
These links can be found in the lower left corner of a brief result in Monarch OneSearch.


Libkey Link

Simplify and improve access to content from library databases (EBSCOHost, Proquest, Web of Science, Elsevier)

Image below shows a screenshot of the LibKey landing page. On this page you have the option to select Article PDF or Article Web Link to get to the resource. You can also select a checkbox that Automatically remembers format choice for 24 hours. View article in context allows you to view the resource in the Browzine interface.

LibKey Link icon from Third Iron

LibKey Nomad

  • Browser extension that connects to library content from open web searching

  • Download Libkey Nomad at the link below that may not be accessible:
    Download LibKey Nomad

Image below shows a screenshot of an article link from Springer Link.  This link to LibKey Nomad is circled showing where to click to access article content from library catalog holdings available in PDF format.  

LibKey Nomad icon from LibKey

LibKey IO

  • DOI and PMID resolution technology connect researchers to library resource access points. 

    Image below shows an example of finding an article using DOI or PMID including the search box to enter the title of the article and a button to click labeled FIND ARTICLE.  

LibKey IO icon from Third Iron


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