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LibKey provides a collection of services that simplify and accelerates access to all scholarly content from any access point of discovery.

LibKey examples

LibKey Discovery Example 1

Click Get the PDF link to access PDF of the article.
Click the Read HTML link to access the HTML version of the article.
Click the View Issue Contents link to see all issues available in the selected journal using BrowZine.  

Image provides a screen shot of article result from Alma/Primo Discovery with Get PDF, Read HTML, and View Issue Contents circled in red.

LibKey Discovery Example 2

Click Get PDF link to access PDF of the article.
Click Read HTML to access HTML of the article.
Click View Issue Contents to access all issues available in the selected journal using BrowZine.

LibKey Link


Click the link to check for full text to the content using LibKey in EBSCOHost databases.  

Image provides a screen shot of article result from EBSCOHost with Check for Full Text (LibKey) circled in red as an example to click to access article content through LibKey.

EBSCO Example



Click the link to check for full text to the content using LibKey in Proquest databases.

Image provides a screen shot of article result from Proquest with Get Full Text circled in red as an example to click to access article content through LibKey.

Proquest Libkey link

LibKey IO


Click the links available to check for full text to the content using Libkey IO in PubMed.

Image below provides screen shot of a PubMed search result box with LibKey links circled in red for Download PDF, View Complete Issue using BrowZine, and Get ODU Access.  

PubMed Libkey link

Web of Science

Click the link to check for full text to the content using LibKey in Web of Science.

Image below provides example of a screen shot showing a journal search result with the link circled in red to Check for Full text with LibKey.  

Web of Science LibKey link


Click the link to check for full text to the content using LibKey in Elsevier.

Image below provides an example of a journal search result in Elsevier and the link to Check for full text in LibKey circled in red.  

Link to LibKey in Elsevier

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