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Criminal Justice

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Print books owned by ODU Libraries are cataloged and shelved using the Library of Congress classification system. Using the LC system, books on the same topic have similar call numbers, and as a result they are usually close to each other on the shelf. If you use Monarch OneSearch to identify a few books on your subject and go to the shelf, you will often be able to browse nearby books and find others that interest you on the same or similar topics.

The general call number range for criminal justice is HV 6001-9920.  This classification includes material on criminology, crime and offenses, criminal justice, prisons, punishment and reform, and juvenile delinquency.  Browsing in this area may lead to discovery of valuable material in addition to the specific items listed in this guide.

LOCATION:  Books with call numbers beginning with HV are shelved on the 3rd floor.  Perry Library Floor Plan.

Ebooks: Searching Monarch OneSearch will also help you discover ebooks that ODU offers. Search for them the same way you search for print books - title, author, subject. In the search results, these will offer a link to the full text of the ebook and you will be able to access it if you are affiliated with ODU by logging in with your Midas credentials.

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