Developed by Dr. Ed Neukrug, the Batten Endowed Chair of Counseling in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies (DCEPS), the International Institute for the Advancement of Counseling Theory's (IIACT) main goals are to:
- Further research to advance the understanding of counseling theory.
- Provide access to major sites that discuss a wide variety of counseling theories.
- Examine cross-cultural issues related to the use, and abuse, of counseling theory.
- Provide theoretical surveys and open-access websites to increase the understanding of theory.
- Offer mini-grants for research that supports the understanding and advancement of counseling theory.
- Provide resources, such as books, videos, and artifacts that highlight classic theories, emerging theories, and lesser-known international theories.
The website is:

Dr. Ed Neukrug
Professor & Chair
Counseling & Human Services
Old Dominion University
2101A Education Building Norfolk, VA 23529
Dr. Neukrug's Website