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ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier

Learn how to create and populate an ORCID and use it to support your research activities.

Method 1: Add Works via Search & Link

options for adding works: search and link; add doi; add pubmed id; add bibtex file; add manually

There are many ways to add your works.

Search & link is the preferred method because it reduces or eliminates errors, and enables a reliable connection between your ORCID ID and your works.

You can import citations from databases, either within your ORCID profile or directly from those databases. Recommended options through Search & link include: 

  • CrossRef Metadata Search: Allows you to import from a registry of more than 70 million articles, conference proceedings, books, and book chapters that have received DOIs upon publication. See more information.
  • Datacite Commons: Search the DataCite Metadata Store to add works to your ORCID profile if they have DOIs. You'll need to set up an account with Datacite.
  • MLA International Bibliography: Allows you to authorize access for import from MLA International Bibliography.
  • Scopus to ORCID: Allows you to claim your Scopus profile and import citations where you've published with Elsevier or journals that Scopus indexes. (ODU does not have a subscription to Scopus, but this is a free service.)

Some services require you to sign up for a free account on the website and allow you to elect automatic updates in the future.

  • Web of Science: Create an account in Web of Science. Under your Profile Settings, select the "ORCID Syncing" tab and connect your ORCID ID. Automatically sync ORCID and Web of Science to get auto-updates every 2 weeks. If you already have a researcher ID, you can elect for auto-updates in the future. 

For the following systems, you need first to create an account and then link to ORCID:

  • SciENcv: Log in to SciENcv and create an account. You can use your ORCID (under "More Options") and automatically connect SciENcv to your ORCID account. 

For all of the systems above, you will be asked to make them a "trusted organization," which allows them to notify you when new references are available for you to add to your ORCID.

See Import Works From Other Systems.

Method 2 and 3: Add a DOI or PubMed ID

From within your ORCID profile, you can enter a DOI or PubMed ID to automate the ingest of the work metadata from these public registries/indexes.

Method 4: Add a BibTeX File (Google Scholar, EndNote)

Create and save a BibTeX file.

  • Google Scholar:  If you have already created a Google Scholar profile, you can populate your ORCID profile using the references listed there.
    • Open your Google Scholar profile, and select the references you'd like to add to ORCID.
    • Click on "Export" and select "BibTeX." A new screen will open.
    • Copy and paste that text into a text editor (Notepad), and save the file with a .bib extension.
  • EndNote:  You can also create a BibTeX file from an EndNote Library of your publications.
    • In EndNote, change the output style to BibTeX Export, and highlight the references you'd like to add to ORCID.
    • Right-click on a highlighted reference, and select "Copy formatted references."
    • Paste that text into a text editor (Notepad), and save the file with a .bib extension.  
      • If you don't have an EndNote library, contact Karen Vaughan, for assistance.

Upload your BibTeX file to ORCID.

  • Navigate to "Works" in your ORCID profile. Under "Add," select "Add BibTeX."
  • Select your .bib file and complete the import.

See: Importing works from a BibTeX file.

Method 5: Add Items Manually

  • If you cannot find and import your references elsewhere, you can always enter them manually. Under either "Funding" or "Works" in your ORCID profile, navigate to "Add: Add manually." ORCID provides dozens of work types that you can choose from when listing citations. These include categories like artistic performance, data set, invention, lecture, and license.
  • See Add Works Manually.
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