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DOVE: Resources for Further Study

General Resources for all of Virginia

The resources listed here cover school desegregation throughout Virginia. Resources focused on specific localities are listed in separate pages.


  • Alexander, William, Cassandra Newby-Alexander, and Charles H. Ford, eds. 2008. Voices from within the veil: African Americans and the experience of democracy. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (E185 .V65 2008)
  • Bartley, Numan V. 1969. The rise of massive resistance: Race and politics in the South during the 1950's. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. (F216.2.B37)
  • Daugherity, Brian J. Keep on Keeping On: The NAACP and the Implementation of Brown V. Board of Education in Virginia.  Carter G. Woodson Institute Series. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016.
  • Daugherity, Brian J. and Charles C. Bolton. With All Deliberate Speed: Implementing Brown V. Board of Education. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2008.
    • This book is a collection of twelve essays that explore how African Americans and their white supporters handled the Court’s mandates to desegregate “with all deliberate speed” in twelve states such as Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Nevada, and Wisconsin; and assess how the Court’s mandates were implemented in these states.
  • Fisher, Paul L. and Ralph Lynn Lowenstein, eds. 1967. Race and the news media. New York: Praeger. (E185.61.F84 1965aa)
  • Gates, Robbins Ladew. 1964. The making of massive resistance: Virginia's politics of public school desegregation, 1954-1956. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. (LA379.G35 1964)
  • Jones, Leon. 1979. From Brown to Boston: Desegregation in education, 1954-1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press. (LC214.2.J6)
  • Lassiter, Matthew D. and Andrew B. Lewis. 1998. The moderates' dilemma: Massive resistance to school desegregation in Virginia. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. (LC214.22.V8.M63 1998)
  • Lewis, Earl. In Their Own Interests: Race, Class, and Power in Twentieth-Century Norfolk, Virginia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. 
  • Littlejohn, Jeffrey L. and Charles Howard Ford. Elusive equality: Desegregation and resegregation in Norfolk's public schools. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2012. (LC214.23.N75 L58 2012 and electronic)
    • Using Norfolk as a case and analyzing the struggles and victories of African Americans in equalizing and integrating the city’s schools, the two authors outline the history of school integration in southern public schools from the 1930s to today.
  • Muse, Benjamin. 1961. Virginia's massive resistance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (LA379.M8)
  • ________. 1964. Ten years of prelude: The story of integration since the Supreme Court's 1954 decision. New York: Viking Press. (E185.61.M989)
  • Orfield, Gary and Susan E. Eaton, Eds. 1996. Dismantling desegregation: The quiet reversal of Brown v. Board of Education.  New York: W.W. Norton & Co. (LC212.62.O72 1996)
  • Peltason, J. W. 1961. Fifty-eight lonely men: Southern Federal judges and school desegregation. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. (KF4155.P4)
  • Sweeney, James R, Ed. 2008. Race, reason, and massive resistance: The diary of David J. Mays, 1954-1959. Politics and culture in the twentieth-century South. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press. (KF373.M393 A3 2008)


  • Siegel-Hawley, Genevieve, Jennifer Ayscue, John Kuscera, and Gary Orfield. 2013. “Miles to Go: A Report on School Segregation in Virginia, 1989-2010.” Civil Rights Project / Proyecto Derechos Civiles, University of California, March 13, 2013. 114 pp.
  • Wallenstein, Peter. "Brown V. Board of Education (1954) in the Stream of U.S. History: The View from Virginia, 1930s-1960s." Virginia Social Science Journal 39,  (2004): 01-12.

Court Cases


  • Burnette, Ann Elizabeth. 1996. A lost cause revisited: Virginia's massive resistance, 1954-1962. Ph.D., Northwestern University. (ILL)

  • Neff, David Pembroke. 1992. The Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties, 1954-1967. Thesis (MA), Old Dominion University. (LD4331.H47N44)


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