If you know of other resources related to school desegregation in Northern Virginia that you would like to share, please submit them to Karen Vaughan kvaughan@odu.edu. Thank you.
Introduction to Region 6
The Northern region of Virginia
includes the following cities:
Causey, Evelyn D., Julia Claypool, and Edna Johnston (History Matters, LLC). 2010. Desegregation in Loudoun County Public Schools, 1954. Paper prepared for Loudoun County Public Schools, includes: Desegregation in Loudoun County Public Schools, 1954-1970; Timeline of Events Associated with Douglass Elementary School; and, People Associated with Douglass Elementary School, 1954-1970.
Morris, James Mcgrath. 2001. A chink in the armor: The black-led struggle for school desegregation in Arlington, Virginia, and the end of massive resistance. Journal of Policy History 13, no. 3: 329-366.