If you know of other resources related to school desegregation in Southside Virginia that you would like to share, please submit them to Karen Vaughan kvaughan@odu.edu. Thank you.
The Southside region of Virginia
Counties in this region include:
June-Friesen, Katy. 2013. Massive Resistance in a Small Town: Before and after Brown in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Humanities 34, no. 5.
Parkinson, Robert G. 2004. First from the right: Massive resistance and the image of Thomas Jefferson in the 1950s. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 112, no. 1: 2-35.
Robinson, William H. 1959. Integration's delay and frustration tolerance. Journal of Negro Education 28, no. 4: 472-475.
Virginia's 'massive resistance' laws declared unconstitutional. 1959. Journal of Negro Education 28, no. 2: 163-172.
Burnette, Ann Elizabeth. 1996. A lost cause revisited: Virginia's massive resistance, 1954-1962. Ph.D., Northwestern University. (ILL)
Hershman, James Howard Jr. 1978. A rumbling in the museum: The opponents of Virginia's massive resistance. Ph.D., University of Virginia. (ILL)
Modlin, Carolyn Carter. "The Desegregation of Southhampton County, Virginia Schools, 1954-1970." Ed.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1998.
The Closing of Prince Edward County's Schools. Virginia Historical Society.
Prince Edward County - During the Civil Rights Era. Longwood University guide which includes several resources for further study.