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Data Management Funder Policies

Guide describing and aggregating information about funder requirements for research data.


Welcome to the Research Data Management Funder Policies library guide.

This guide intends to highlight important updates to funder plans, policies and requirements regarding public access to research outputs as they become available. This guide will not be exhaustive and we recommend reviewing the Additional Resources section of this guide if details pertaining to your use-case are not specifically addressed. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact the below listed personnel:

  • Nikki Galloway, Research Data Management Librarian: email
  • Your Subject Librarian

Additional information regarding Research Data Management and campus contacts can be found in the Data Management @ ODU library guide.

Guide Outline

There are increasing expectations around making research outputs, including data, publicly available.

The U.S. Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) issued memorandums in 2013 and 2022 that have outlined expectations for federal agencies to increase public access to research outputs. Information regarding the OSTP and these memorandums can be found on the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Memorandums section of this guide.

One expectation of federal agencies is the update or development of public access plans. Refer to the Federal Funder Public Access Plans section of this guide for additional information.

Public access plans issued by agencies are generally accompanied by requirements, guidelines and policies. Please refer to the Federal Funder Data Access Policies section of this guide for additional information. 

In addition to federal funder plans and policies, many private funders also have policies around public access to research outputs. Please refer to the Private Funder Policies section of this guide for additional information.
