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Information Literacy Tutorials

About the Tutorials

The ODU Libraries' Information Literacy Tutorials are designed to support the Student Learning Outcomes for the Information Literacy General Education requirement at ODU. While any class is welcome to use the tutorials, they are designed to support the curriculum of the general education information literacy courses.

The tutorials are created using a software called Articulate Storyline. They are in an open enrollment/self-enroll Canvas Course called "ODU Libraries Information Literacy Tutorials" (see Access the Tutorials for more information). Faculty requiring their students to complete the tutorials for a grade can ask students to print or screenshot their results to submit for a grade. Each tutorial is set at a 90% pass rate (in other words, students need to receive a 90% to pass). The tutorials can be completed as many times as needed.

Giving Credit for Completion

The easiest way for you to give credit for completion is to require it as an assignment submission in your Canvas Course. On the last slide of each tutorial, instruct students to: 

1. Select "Print"

2. Type in their name

3. Screenshot/save the page that appears. This page includes name, date/time of completion, and their quiz responses.

Learning Objectives

The Information Literacy Tutorials support and reinforce the following core concepts:

Tutorial One: Starting Your Research

  • Break down a research assignment into its main parts to understand your information needs;
  • Focus an idea into a feasible research topic;
  • Use keywords and key concepts about your topic to search for information sources;
  • Build a search strategy by connecting your keywords and key concepts

Tutorial Two: Types of Information

  • Articulate and contextualize information needs, considering gaps in existing knowledge and resources
  • Identify what kind of information sources will best meet different information needs
  • Explain how information is produced
  • Compare the characteristics of scholarly and general audience sources
  • Compare the characteristics of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources

Tutorial Three: Where & How to Find Information

  • Use the Libraries' main search box to find sources;
  • Use the basic features of a database to find and retrieve sources;
  • Define multi-disciplinary resources vs. subject-specific resources;
  • Determine what type of search tool to use to find specific types of sources; &
  • Use the Libraries' website to find and use various services​

Tutorial Four: Evaluating Information

  • Recognize the importance of evaluating all types of information sources for quality
  • Identify several criteria to use in judging quality of information, including: currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose
  • Apply evaluation criteria to selecting sources

Tutorial Five: Citation

  • Describe why and when it is necessary to cite information sources
  • Articulate reasons for the existence of various citation styles, and identify the style that is most used in various disciplines
  • Identify the basic components of a standard reference
  • Use the resources and services available to get help with citation

Tutorial Six: Plagiarism

  • Define plagiarism and articulate why and how to avoid doing it
  • Identify common mistakes in writing that lead to plagiarism
  • Identify the elements of the ODU Honor Code and the Student Code of Conduct that are related to plagiarism
  • Use the resources and services available to get help with avoiding plagiarism

Tutorial Seven: Copyright & Creative Commons

  • Describe the differences between copyrighted, public domain, and Creative Commons works
  • Understand the term "fair use" and how it applies in a higher education context
  • Identify copyright violations
  • Search for Creative Commons licensed images, audio, and other formats to use in course assignments and beyond

Tutorial Eight: Disinformation and Misinformation Piloting Fall 2023!!!

  • Define misinformation and disinformation
  • Identify various types of misinformation and disinformation
  • Understand the impacts of misinformation and disinformation on communities and marginalized people
  • Identify ways to identify and stop the spread of disinformation and misinformation