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Library Instruction Framework

Program Learning Objectives

By the end of their first year at ODU, students will recognize that:

  • The ODU Libraries provide services to support them in their academic endeavors
  • The ODU Libraries provide high-quality information resources to support their course work and research

By the time ODU students graduate, they will be able to:

  • Articulate and contextualize an information need
  • Search strategically in a variety of systems appropriate to the research topic
  • Identify markers of authority recognized by disciplines, professions, and other communities of practice
  • Evaluate information sources according to the context of the information need
  • Make connections among sources to expand existing understanding and to explore a topic
  • Demonstrate understanding of the social, ethical, and legal issues and responsibilities associated with the use of information

Request Instructional Support

If you would like to request instructional support for your class, please see the Instructional Support page on the main ODU Libraries website. This guide provides additional specifics about our program, including learning objectives, course level scaffolding, and program assessment.