Typical courses include general education courses such as English Composition, University Enhancement, Learning Communities, and others as requested. Additionally, we have a set of lesson plans for General Education English Composition faculty to choose from.
Program Objective
Examples of class application
Articulate and contextualize an information need
Conduct background research to identify knowledge gaps and possible directions for research
Develop a feasible research question or topic for a course assignment
Search strategically in a variety of systems appropriate to the research topic
Identify keywords appropriate for the topic
Understand the characteristics of search tools and use a search tool appropriate for the information need
Use Monarch OneSearch and its features to find resources
Use Library Guides to identify appropriate resources and databases
Identify markers of authority recognized by disciplines, professions, and other communities of practice
Distinguish between scholarly and general audience sources
Identify format characteristics and source types appropriate for the information need
Use the peer review limiter in databases when needed
Evaluate information sources according to the context of the information need
Evaluate sources for relevance to information need and adjust search as needed
Make connections among sources to expand existing understanding and to explore a topic
Identify more than one perspective on a topic
Identify the similarities and differences between multiple sources of information
Demonstrate understanding of the social, ethical, and legal issues and responsibilities associated with the use of information
Understand the role of citation in academic research
Identify tools to assist with citation