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Where (and Where Not) to Publish Your Work

Before submitting your manuscript, be sure to research your chosen journal/s and avoid those with predatory practices.

Scholarly Publishing Resources

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In the digital world, publishing options have become overwhelming. With open access options so abundant, and publishers vying for your attention through email solicitations, how do you know which journals and book publishers are best for publishing your work?

This guide identifies some of the resources you can use when choosing a journal or book publisher. And, perhaps most importantly, it provides guidance on predatory journals and publishers you should avoid. 

Clarification About Journal Publishing Fees

image of dollar signPredatory publishers usually request payment for publishing, and usually in advance of accepting the article. And, their practices may not include peer-review, and/or not have a legitimate editorial board, and/or not publish high quality papers, etc. See more on the Avoid Predatory Journals tab in this guide.

Legitimate publishers may charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) but only if you want your article to be available open access. The open access APC option will only be available after your paper has been accepted.  

With gold open access journals, all articles are open access, but not all will charge an APC. Hybrid open access journals offer the option for open access, but the APC is usually a lot higher, and the journal itself is behind a paywall.  More about APCs.

NOTE: Just because a journal is Open Access does not mean it is predatory. Learn more on the Open Access guide. 


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