You probably want to publish your articles where they will have the greatest impact -- where they will be read and cited. Which journal has the appropriate scope and audience for your research?
Note: One of the benefits of open access publishing is that it is open for all readers, rather than just those with a subscription.
See our Open Access guide for more information.
Once you identify possible journals, evaluate those journals:
These are some online databases that can help you choose where to publish your work. It's also a good idea to look at the journal site, where you can often find metrics and other information about the journal.
Current (Restricted to ODU)
Journalytics Academic includes a curated list of journals covering 18 disciplines in business, education, health, computer science, psychology and psychiatry, and sciences. Find metrics about where a journal falls within a discipline, acceptance rates, peer review processes, and altmetric attention. Use the Predatory Reports listing to find details about why a particular journal is considered predatory.
Use our Open Access guide to find Open Access Journals.
As with all publishing, open access journals can have predatory publishers. Be sure to also refer to the AVOID PREDATORY JOURNALS tab.