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Researching ODU History

Special Collections and University Archives Hours

Hours: Special Collections and University Archives is currently open by appointment only. Appointments can be made using the Research Appointment Request Form. Please contact if you haven any questions.


Student Government Association Officers, 1968Welcome to Old Dominion University's guide to researching the history of Old Dominion University (ODU)! This guide will help you find information about ODU's history, people, buildings, events, and more!

For more information or research assistance, please contact the Special Collections and University Archives Department at (757) 683-5350 or An introduction video of the ODU Archives can be found on the Libraries YouTube Channel.

To search the holdings of Special Collections and University Archives, please consult the ODU Archives Database. From the database, you can either use keywords to search across all the collections or you can browse collections by name, author, subject, and record group (personal papers or campus offices/departments). A video on how to use the ODU Archives Database can be found on the Libraries YouTube Channel.

ODU Libraries has created other guides that will be of interest to researchers including a Cite Your Sources Guide and a Copyright and Copywrong Guide.
