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LibQual+ Survey

What is LibQual

What is LibQual+?

LibQual+ is a rigorous, valid, and reliable tool that is used to solicit, understand, and act upon user perceptions of library spaces, collections, and services. Since 2000, over 1300 libraries have used LibQual+ to learn more about their users' library experiences. The ODU Libraries has conducted LibQual+ in 2016 and 2022. This guide provides an overview of our LibQual+ results and how we have acted upon what we've learned. If you have questions or would like more information please email Lucy Wittkower at

How does LibQual+ measure quality?

LibQual+ consists of items related to spaces, collections, and services. Participants are asked to rate the following on a scale of 1-9:

  • Minimum expectations
  • Desired expectations
  • Current perception 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is LibQual+ a valid and reliable survey?

Yes! LibQual+ was developed by researchers/librarians in 2000, and is now maintained and facilitated by American Research Libraries (ARL). In our own in-depth analysis, we conducted statistics means testing to to determine significant changes between the 2015 and 2022 survey results. 

How were participants for LibQual+ 2022 selected?

We worked with ODU's office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment to obtain an sample that would result in statistically significant results for each user group.

What were the incentives for participation?

We held drawings for a Fitbit, an iPad, Airpods, and Monarch Plus Points. 

How were the results analyzed?

In addition to the report that is provided by LibQual+, the Libraries' Assessment Team conducted an in-depth analysis in three areas: comparison to 2015 results, comparison to peers, and an in-depth content analysis of the qualitative text content.

How was participant privacy protected?

LibQual+ is an anonymous, online survey. We received IRB exemption for the project. The analysis team de-identified open-text comments prior to analysis. Additionally, LibQual+ conducted our prize drawings for us and detached entries from survey results prior to providing them to us. 

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