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LibQual+ Survey


General Satisfaction

Participants were asked to rate the following on a scale of 1-9

  • In general, I am satisfied with the way in which I am treated at the library. Mean score: 8.01
  • In general, I am satisfied with library support for my learning, research, and/or teaching needs. Mean score: 7.74
  • How would you rate the overall quality of the service provided by the library? Mean score: 7.81

Core Questions Summary: Spaces

For each question related to spaces we are meeting minimum expectations. "Learning space that inspires study and learning" was especially high, and "Community space for group learning and group study" exceeded the desired expectations. The comments section included some suggestions for improvements to the Libraries' spaces. 

Core Questions Summary: Collections

For each question in the collections category we are meeting minimum expectations for all user groups. Undergraduate students are very happy with our collections, and faculty are the least satisfied. The comments section (see below) provided more information. 

Core Questions Summary: Services

For each service question we are meeting minimum expectations. On the question regarding "giving users individual attention" we are exceeding the desired expectations. There were no big differences among user groups, although undergraduates are the most happy in comparison to the other groups.

Information Literacy Outcomes

Users were asked to rate on a scale of 1-9 five items related to information literacy. The average rating was 7.41. The highest rated item in this section was "the library enables me to be more efficient in my academic pursuits or work."

Participant Comments and Suggestions

The following themes were noted in the open comments section of the survey:

Collections and Resources

Many of the comments were positive and expressed appreciation for resources. Another group of commenters were dissatisfied with lack of access to journals, some specific journals, subjects or publishers were mentioned including Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and Science journals.

Library Personnel

There were many positive comments about library personnel and interactions at the help desks, on the phone, or online. There was also appreciation for research support. There were a small number of complaints about librarians no longer staffing a physical public service point.

Physical Space and Furniture

Many participants value individual and group study spaces and appreciate the quiet space on the fourth floor of Perry Library. There is a desire for more individual study space. There were recurring complaints about old or dirty furniture and requests for newer, more comfortable furniture. There were some comments about getting lost or having trouble finding books. There were suggestions to improve the overall interior aesthetic and students would like more food options in Perry Library.

Access to Virtual Materials, Distance Learners, and Interlibrary Loan

Many participants were satisfied with the number and variety of resources available remotely. There were a few comments about links to articles that did not work. There were some complaints about logging in multiple times per session. Interlibrary Loan staff were noted as being extremely helpful and appreciated. A few people mentioned that although they value the Interlibrary Loan program that it should not be a replacement for holding adequate collections at ODU.

Group and Individual Study

Students are appreciative of the rooms to collaborate on projects, but several issues emerged. Some equipment is damaged or not working. The online reservation system is not always adequate because it is self-monitored by students. Study rooms do not appear to be cleaned on a regular basis. Students would like more individual study rooms and more white boards.

Research Support and Library Instruction

Participants value library chat and appreciate the ability to have a 1:1 research appointment with a librarian. There was some dissatisfaction with the visibility of or access to reference librarians. There was an appreciation for the library instruction program. One faculty noted a desire for further collaboration with librarians on online tutorials. Some noted that a library workshop should be required for all new students. There were some suggestions to improve the promotion of workshops, programs, and library guides.

Equipment, Technology, and Printing

Participants appreciate equipment loan, but would like more equipment to be available. Students appreciate the ease and availability of printing, but some expressed that they felt that printing should be free. There were suggestions to add printers to the 3rd and 4th floors, and suggestions to add more emerging technologies for students to explore.

Full Reports

The following documents are PDFs that contain our full 2022 LIbQual+ reports and analysis.

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