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LibQual+ Survey

2022 LibQual+ Survey Participants

The participants in the 2022 survey included 619 undergraduate students, 457 graduate students, 213 faculty, and 68 staff.

LibQual 2022 User Groups Pie Chart 68 staff 213 Faculty 457 Graduate 619 Undergraduate


Most participants indicated that they use Perry Library & the Learning Commons as their primary library, however, participants who use our online library as their main library continue to grow. 891 participants indicated that Perry Library is their main library, 412 indicated that they mostly use the library online, 18 participants primarily use the Hofheimer Art Library, and 10 use the Music Library/Diehn Composers Room the most.

Primary Library Used 891 Perry Library, 432 Online Library, 18 Art Library, 10 Music LIbrary


Thank you to the 2022 ODU Libraries Assessment Team

Steve Bookman, Briel Felton (graduate assistant), Leanne Hillery, Jennifer Hoyt, Holli Kubly, Dot Lockaby, David Pope, Teresa Statler-Keener, Lucinda Wittkower (lead)

Thank you to all of the students, faculty, and staff who completed the survey!

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