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Creative Commons

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Creative Commons provides free, standardized copyright licenses that allow authors to give permission for others to share & use their creative work, under the conditions that they choose. The benefit to using items with a Creative Commons license is that you know exactly how you can use, share, or modify the item without seeking the author's permission.

"Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. They work alongside copyright and enable you to modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs." (Creative Commons, 2016).

Types of CC Licenses

The links go directly to the full terms of each license.

icon for CC-BY license Attribution: CC-BY: lets others distribute, remix, adapt your work, as long as they credit you

icon for CC-BY-SA license Attribution-ShareAlike: CC-BY-SA: lets others distribute, adapt, remix your work as long as they credit you, and they use the same license

icon for CC-BY-NC license Attribution-NonCommercial: CC-BY-NC: lets others remix and adapt your work, they must credit you, and they can’t use it commercially

icon for CC-BY-NC-SA license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike: CC-BY-NC-SA lets others remix and adapt your work, they must credit you, they can’t use commercially, and they must use the same license

icon for CC-BY-ND license Attribution-NoDerivs: CC-BY-ND: lets others reuse, but not change your work, and they must credit you

icon for CC-BY-NC-ND license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs: CC-BY-NC-ND: lets others use your work, they must credit you, they can’t change it, and can’t use it commercially

For more information:

YouTube Video Explaining Creative Commons


Explanatory images of Creative Commons Licenses are available at How To Attribute Creative Commons Photos by Foter (Wikimedia)

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