Coverage varies by journal (Unrestricted).
List of quality journals that publish only open access content.
The Open Access Content database enables users to identify open access items from the following well-known open content providers: Biomed Central; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); JSTOR; Open Address Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN); OpenEdition; and, Public Library of Science (PLOS).
JSTOR includes a growing set of open access academic journals and journal issues. These open access issues are freely available for anyone in the world to use, and the full-text of the OA articles are available as PDF downloads.
Provides free access to a subset of the ISSN register that have been identified as open access. Search by journal or ISSN or topic.
Current (Restricted to ODU).
This global serials directory indicates whether or not a journal is full open access. You may search the Key Feature field in the Advanced Search for “open access,” or search by title, publisher, etc., and then “Narrow Results” to open access journals by clicking the check box for “Open Access” in the “Key Features” area to the left of the results list.
Coverage varies by journal (Restricted to ODU). All disciplines.
Allows you to search for Journals and limit to "Access Type: Open Access"
From your search results page, click on the "Open Access" limiter on the lower left hand side of the screen.
List of open access journals published by universities with the Digital Commons repository.
BioMed Central Ltd., an independent publisher in London, England, provides free access to biomedical research publications. These publications include biology and medicine journal articles, current reports, and meeting abstracts. BioMed Central offers information about current controlled trials, as well as topics in modern biology.
An off-shoot of PLoS, PeerJ is a new open access journal in the biological and medical sciences. PeerJ operates under a unique publishing fee model, which includes lifetime membership options.
PLOS is a nonprofit publisher of open access journals in the sciences.
From the Royal Society publishing groups comes this new open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing across the range of science and mathematics.
IAMCR provides a list of open access journals in the field of media and communications research.
JURN indexes "open access" e-journals in the arts and humanities, along with other relevant arts and scholarly publications offering free content.
An "international, scholar-led open access publishing collective whose mission is to make leading works of contemporary critical thought available worldwide." The OHP network includes several openly accessible book series published by MPublishing at the University of Michigan, as well as a selective list of autonomously-produced open access journals in critical and cultural theory.
A high-profile initiative to establish a non-profit open access publisher for the humanities and social sciences.
Many commercial publishers will charge authors a fee to publish under open access in their journals. Some of these are: Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, IEEE, Nature, Oxford University Press, Sage Publishing, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley-Blackwell. Other publishers allow articles to become open access after an embargo period.
For some Elsevier journals, free access is offered after an embargo of 12-48 months.
A list of HighWire Press journals that are either totally open or provide embargoes from 6 months-4 years.
"All PNAS papers are freely available within 6 months of publication." from PNAS website
ODU Digital Commons, our institutional repository, maintains several platinum open access journals. (NOTE: As of August 2024, we are not accepting new journal requests until further notice).