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Open Access

Find out what "Open Access" is, why it's important, and where you can find open access journals, books and resources.

What Is Open Access Week?

International Open Access Week is a global event promoting access to knowledge, highlighting Open activities, and promoting actions that will help make more scholarly and educational materials freely available to teachers, learners, researchers, and the public.


International Open Access Week is October 21-27, 2024

Community over Commercialization

Open Access Week 2024 will continue the call to put “Community over Commercialization” and prioritize approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community. 

ODU Libraries programming:

Open Access Week Workshop 1: An introduction to publishing (recording)

Monday October 21, 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 pm via Zoom

Open Access Week Workshop 2: What does Open Access mean for my data? (recording)

Wednesday October 23, 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 pm via Zoom


International Open Access Week is October 23-29, 2023

Community over Commercialization

This year’s theme encourages a candid conversation about which approaches to open scholarship prioritize the best interests of the public and the academic community—and which do not.

ODU Libraries programming:

  • Open Access Publishing and ODU Digital Commons: Tuesday, October 24, 10-11am
  • Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Content: Wednesday, October 25, 11am-noon
  • Research Data Management Planning: Friday, October 27, 2-3pm


open access week logo International Open Access Week is October 24-30, 2022

Open For Climate Justice

This year’s theme seeks to encourage connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community. Sharing knowledge is a human right, and tackling the climate crisis requires the rapid exchange of knowledge across geographic, economic, and disciplinary boundaries. 

ODU programming consisted of a workshop on Sustainable Scholarship: "Understand the barriers to accessing research needed to solve important problems. We will discuss ways to make the scholarly publishing ecosystem more sustainable."


International Open Access Week is October 25-29, 2021

open access week logo

Informal Chats for Open Access Week 2021

Join the Libraries for informal Zoom discussions about:

  • Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Content: What's the difference?, OER grants, Upcoming workshops, Curriculum Driven Acquisitions at ODU, E-books in the libraries catalog
    Monday, October 25, 10-10:30 am
  • Open Access: Common myths, Article processing charges (APCs), DOAJ, Predatory publishers
    Thursday, October 28, 10-10:30 am
  • ODU Digital Commons: Acceptable open access article versions, Self-deposit, Student publishing, Journal platform
    Friday, October 29, 11-11:30am

Contact Karen Vaughan with questions or for more information.


open access week logoOctober 19 - 25, 2020

Suggested Programs

  • Wednesday, October 21, at 2:00 p.m. ET:  “Celebrating Open Access Week: Building Structural Equity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications.”

Join recipients of ACRL’s scholarly communications research grants—based on research suggested by 2019’s Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future—for a discussion of their projects; the challenges of enacting change in scholarly communications including the global digital divide and information inequality, decolonization, democratization, and privilege (or the lack thereof); and practical, actionable steps that academic librarians can take to help build a better future.

  • Thursday, October 22, 3pm–4:30pm ET:  Building Structural Equity and Inclusion: Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials (presented by UC San Diego). 

While many of the benefits of using openly licensed materials remain constant, their importance is amplified as students are facing decreased bandwidth and access, and increased financial obstacles due to the pandemic. Findings described in Open Educational Resources as a Tool for Educational Equity: Evidence From an Introductory Psychology Class suggest that, “textbook costs disproportionately affect our most vulnerable students and the use of OER may be one solution to this problem.” Register for this free online session as we explore strategies for ensuring your students can access and engage with the resources you need to support your instruction. Register here 

  • Friday, October 23 11am-12noon ET:  SCHEV-Open Virginia Advisory Committee Webinar: "Open Education: Student Success and Faculty Autonomy"

The 2020-2021 Open Education: Student Success and Faculty Autonomy webinar series hosted by SCHEV-OVAC provides a space for learning and sharing to spark innovation and expand open education in Virginia. The virtual conversations will consist of short lightning talks, which will allow institutions to share their open education efforts and learn from similar efforts happening around Virginia.  Register Here.


(From: Grand Valley State University Libraries

Interested in learning more about Open Access?  Inspired to take action to help open up access to research and scholarly information, in your own work, your discipline, or across academia and society?    Here are some great places to get started:

  • Have a conversation with your department's liaison librarian about open access publishing and open educational resources in your discipline, or ask how you can retain your rights as an academic author when you publish research.  
  • Visit the SPARC website for detailed information about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, from one of the Open movement's leading organizations.
  • Explore stories of impact shared by people who have benefited from scholarship found in Harvard's Open Access repository.
  • Explore our Open Educational Resources (OER) guide to find openly-licensed learning materials.
  • If you are a student, check out the Right to Research Coalition, which advocates for access to research for all students.
  • If you are a researcher, explore the question Why Open Research?.
  • Install the Open Access Button browser extension to encourage scholars to share open versions of their work whenever you run into a paywall. 


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Open Access Week Events @ Perry Library

October 21-25, 2019

October 22

2-3 p.m.
Room 1310
Open for Students and Educators: Open Educational Resources Level the Playing Field

Open educational resources (OERs) are not usually a hard sell for students. But what about educators? How do they benefit from having access to resources that are licensed openly? Join us for an ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Webcast and discussion.

October 23

12:00-1:30 p.m.
Room 1311
Paywall: The Business of Scholarship

Watch a screening of the "Paywall" documentary and participate in a discussion about issues with for-profit academic publishers.

October 24

1-2:30 p.m.
Room 1306
What's the Big Deal? How and Why Virginia Institutions are Rethinking our Biggest Journal Bundles
Join us for a presentation and discussion with Brandon Butler, Director of Information Policy at University of Virginia Libraries. For the last two decades, Virginia research institutions have been buying research the same way consumers have been buying television: in big bundles. And like cable packages, these bundles have become bloated with content nobody wants, and their prices have exploded at rates only a monopolist could love. Come learn why Virginia institutions are looking seriously at cutting the cord, and how open access is both the foundation and the next step in this process. We need faculty input and interest in these important decisions.

Feel free to bring your lunch. Light refreshments will be served at all events.
RSVP to Karen Vaughan, 683-4184



October 23
2:00-3:30 Room 1310-11

Open Educational Resources Forum and Roundtable
Lucinda Rush will share preliminary results of a student survey examining TCC transfer student perceptions of their experiences with zero textbook courses and traditional courses. Attendees will hear from student panelists, and participate in round table discussions with students and faculty who have experience with OER courses.


October 25
2:00-4:00 Room 1306

Open Access Open House
Drop in and chat with our scholarly communication experts about issues in open access, such as author rights and copyright, publishing options in our institutional repository, open educational resources, data management, and scholarly metrics and impact. 


October 26
12:20-1:20 Room 1306

ICPSR Workshop
Storing and accessing data has become an integral part of the research process. Repositories, both open and subscription-based, are available.  James Rhoades will show you how to use the ICPSR database to find and use data sets for your research. 


Increase Faculty Impact with

Brown Bag Series

Sponsored by the Old Dominion University Libraries 
October 24-28, 2016

All events will be held in the Learning Commons @ Perry Library

October 24

Room 1306


Open Educational Resources for the Classroom
A two-part hands-on workshop by Lucinda Rush and Deri Draper

Part 1 of the workshop will focus on Open Textbooks: learn about cost issues for students, CC Licensing, and open textbooks in your field. You’ll also learn about a $200 stipend you can receive for a written review of an open textbook from the Open Textbook Library. In Part 2 of the workshop, you’ll receive assistance in identifying and evaluating existing open and affordable course resources in your discipline, and explore how you can use them in various combinations.

October 26

Room 1310-11



Data Management and Public Access Requirements
A forum facilitated by George Fowler

Most funders require public access to research results, including data. Participate in a dialog about data management questions, issues, and what support you need from the University in order to strengthen your proposals and comply with funder requirements. Representatives from ITS, the Office of Research, and the Research Foundation will also be there. George Fowler is University Librarian and Chair of the University’s Research and Scholarly Data Governance Committee.

October 27

Room 1310-11


Increase the Global Impact of Your Scholarship with Open Access
A workshop by Karen Vaughan and Corrie Marsh, hosted by the Office of Research

Learn how your scholarly and creative works can have a global impact.  As an author/creator, you can ensure that your work will be accessible to the widest possible audience. To facilitate Open Access, we will review copyright contracts and discuss how to negotiate with journal publishers to retain author rights.



All events will be held in the Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Conference Room 1310

October 19
2:30-1:30 Understanding Open Access: Myth Busters
Ashley Brewer, Topher Lawton, Corrie Marsh:  ODU Libraries

October 20
12:30-1:30 Virginia Open Education: The Z-Degree and Open Educational Resources at TCC 
Steve Litherland, Olivia Reinauer, Joy Yaeger: Tidewater Community College Libraries

October 22
2:00-3:30 History of Open Access and a Glimpse of the Future
Robert Schatz:  BioMed Central

October 26
12:30-1:30 Open Educational Resources at ODU
Lucy Rush:  ODU Libraries
Jennifer Kidd, Chris Glass, Dylan Wittkower: ODU Faculty
Darryl Atkinson: Manager, ODU Bookstore


Open Access Myths

Tidewater Community College's Textbook-Free "Z-Degree"

BioMed Central:  About BioMed Central 

Open Educational Resources Links for Panel Presenters

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