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ODU Libraries Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

Learn about the Libraries' 5-year plan and our related accomplishments!


The Old Dominion University Libraries are pleased to present our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, Forward-Focused Together. The plan is a result of many hours of careful thought, discussion, debate, research, writing, and revising by the Libraries’ dedicated employees. It represents our vision for the coming half-decade and identifies exciting opportunities for the Libraries to support the mission and vision of Old Dominion University. 

We consider this Strategic Plan a living document, but while our activities and priorities may change as the environment around us changes, what will remain steadfast is our core purpose to “inspire and empower the ODU Community to learn, grow, and create,” and our core values of access, equity of opportunity, continuous growth, and collaboration.  

We invite you to keep up with our progress on these strategic goals, and to let us know how we’re doing, via our website,
