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ODU Libraries Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

Learn about the Libraries' 5-year plan and our related accomplishments!

Focus Area II: Sense of Place

Perry Library contains ample space that is centrally located, flexible, and highly desirable. Moreover, much of campus views the Libraries as “a place where the students are,” such that we receive frequent requests from potential partners about sharing space for programming and services. The Libraries can also reclaim additional space currently being used for largely unused print collections and repurpose it for student learning-focused activities. The Diehn Composers Room and Music Library and Elise N. Hofheimer Art Library offer smaller, highly specialized spaces that are valued by their respective academic departments. With the EVMS merger, Brickell Medical Sciences Library will also join the Libraries’ roster of physical spaces. In online spaces, the ODU Digital Commons has strong name recognition on campus and growing collections of faculty and student materials, e-journals, and more. This Focus Area helps the Libraries address SWOT Weaknesses in Physical Infrastructure and Technology and address SWOT Threats of Declining Use and Inadequate Financial Resources. As in Focus Area I, efforts in "Sense of Place” will involve collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data on use of physical and virtual spaces and planning for continuous improvement. 

Goal II.1. The Libraries will create welcoming, inclusive, and accessible physical spaces to meet the current and future needs of the ODU Community.

Strategy II.1.A. The Libraries will conduct a formal space use assessment of Perry Library and branch libraries. 

  • Conduct (or contract with outside party to conduct) a comprehensive space study and collect data in FY2025

  • Analyze space study data and create implementation and funding plans in FY2026

  • LibQual+ survey results will show a statistically significant increase in “Library as Place” performance.

Strategy II.1.B. The Libraries will plan for a phased, comprehensive renovation of Learning Commons spaces and technology. 

  • Form a Learning Commons Task Force, including membership from the Libraries, partners/collaborators, and faculty and student users

  • Create a project plan and budget that includes data collection, user feedback, benchmarking against peer institutions, timelines, and funding needs for Learning Commons renovations, as well as for ongoing upkeep/maintenance

  • Work with University Advancement and Academic Affairs to identify and secure funding for renovations

  • Work with Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology Services, and other partners/collaborators to undertake renovation projects

Strategy II.1.C.  The Libraries will create a dedicated space highlighting the diversity, creativity, and teaching and research value of Naro Video @ ODU Libraries. 

  • Complete processing of the collection and planning and renovation of Perry Library room 1222. Hold a “Grand Opening” for the Naro space in 2024

  • Partner with University Strategic Communication and Marketing to develop a marketing strategy for the Naro highlighting its educational and research potential and targeting outreach to local communities as well as libraries, film archives, and film schools both regionally and nationally

  • Develop an outreach plan to engage the ODU community, the general public, and local libraries and community organizations

  • Create a Naro Advisory Board with broad community representation to provide guidance to the Dean of Libraries on engagement and fundraising opportunities, as well as to sponsor/support membership events to increase community involvement

Goal II.2. The Libraries will upgrade its virtual spaces to meet the current and future needs of the ODU Community.

Strategy II.2.A.  The Libraries will complete a redesign and update of its primary website with a focus on user experience and accessibility. 

The library website is the primary mechanism for users to access library resources, services, and information about the library. The Libraries will continually evaluate its website for ease of use, gather feedback and data to inform changes and improvements, and update content and structure as needed.   

  • Work with Information Technology Services and University Strategic Communications to convert the Libraries to the new Web template

  • Implement regular user testing at least once per year, analyze data and use it to create and implement improvement plans

  • User surveys and testing will show steady improvement on key indicators such as successful interactions with the website and ability to find and access the information.

  • Obtain and analyze data via Google Analytics and Crazy Egg at least once per year; create and implement plans for continuous website improvement.

Strategy II.2.B.  The Libraries will fully, effectively, and accessibly implement its online platforms and learning tools. 

  • Online tools and platforms will be branded consistently within the parameters provided by the university.

  • Online tools and platforms will be evaluated regularly for improvement and to ensure full and appropriate deployment and accessibility. Examples include: 

  • Springshare Advisory Team will create best practices, templates, and training to ensure consistency of usability, accessibility, and look and feel, as well as implementation and continuous improvement of online tools created using the SpringShare platform (LibAnswers, LibCal, LibGuides, etc.)

  • The Alma Primo Team will oversee the upgrade of the integrated library system to Primo VE. The team will work with internal stakeholders to improve data collection, user interfaces, and other enhancements as needed.

  • Systems Development, in cooperation with Resource Fulfillment, Resource Description and Maintenance, and Learning Commons and Branch Libraries, will create a plan for documenting the functions of Alma Primo VE and ensuring that all employees who interact with the system are fully trained.

  • Systems Development, Resource Description and Maintenance, Resource Fulfillment, and Learning Commons and Branch Libraries will investigate the suitability of the current integrated library system in light of the merger with the EVMS library.

  • Special Collections and University Archives and Systems Development will finalize the implementation and enhancement of Preservica for managing special collections records.

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