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ODU Libraries Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

Learn about the Libraries' 5-year plan and our related accomplishments!

Focus Area I: Academic and Research Excellence

Libraries’ staff possess unique and valuable expertise in information literacy and critical appraisal, in connecting users to resources in their fields of research, and in organizing, describing, and making information accessible across an ever-increasing variety of resources. A strong record of collaborating with faculty on programmatic instruction directly connects the Libraries to ODU’s strategic interest in student engagement and success. In addition, Libraries staff have expertise to help users navigate the complex research and publishing process including copyright and author rights issues, data management planning, journal selection that favors open access and avoids predatory publishers, generating metrics to demonstrate research impact, and more. Growing opportunities, including federal requirements related to research data preservation and the merger with Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), will allow the Libraries to align our expertise with faculty and graduate student research productivity to sustain the University’s Carnegie R1 status. This Focus Area emphasizes assessment and data collection to support a deliberate move towards data-driven decision-making processes, and planning and implementation for improvements based on that data.

Goal I.1 The Libraries will strategically align its education programs with University priorities and curriculum

Strategy I.1.A.  The Libraries will enhance capacity and tools for information literacy and critical appraisal to align with and contribute to evolving University priorities. 

  • Increase the number of workshops, library instruction sessions, and/or programs that support the University’s Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) by 20 percent over five years

  • Integrate teaching students how to identify and use services provided by the ODU Libraries into 75 percent of first year experience programs over five years

  • Increase research instruction (online and in-person, synchronous and asynchronous) to strategically selected general education courses and core academic program courses at all levels by 20 percent over five years

  • Participate in campus-level revisions of the general education and first year experience programs

Strategy I.1.B.  The Libraries will build capacity, tools, and instructional offerings to support online learning, in alignment with the University’s increased strategic focus on growing the ODU Global brand and enrollment. 

  • Secure new funding and/or reallocate resources to create a librarian position focused on online learning 

  • Grow number of online learning tools by 50% over five years

  • Grow use of online learning tools by 50% over five years

  • Increase the number of online courses that the Libraries regularly support with individual research assistance and library instruction by 20% over five years

Strategy I.1.C. The Libraries will update learning objectives and strategies to scaffold information literacy and critical appraisal concepts across the library instruction program. 

  • Develop a system for systematically gathering and analyzing qualitative data from student and instructor participants in library instruction

  • Develop and assess the effectiveness of an educational framework for each level of information literacy instruction. The framework will articulate learning goals and distinctions between what is taught in foundational courses and disciplinary upper-level courses and the scaffolding that occurs across courses

Goal I.2. The Libraries will educate, advocate, and build capacity to support sustainable and equitable systems of scholarly communication.

Strategy I.2.A.  The Libraries will build capacity, tools, and advocacy work to support open access to and preservation of ODU-created research data.  

  • Secure new funding and/or reallocate resources to create a librarian position focused on research data management

  • Research and document the needs of the ODU community for research data management services and tools; develop those services in collaboration with campus researchers with research data management needs

  • Partner with ITS, Office of Research, Research Foundation, and Academic Affairs to create an infrastructure where all research data projects and their eventual deposit locations are identified

  • Increase professional development opportunities for Libraries staff to expand their knowledge of research data

Strategy I.2.B.  The Libraries will build capacity, tools, and advocacy work to expand adoption of Open Educational Resources. 

  • Secure new funding and/or reallocate resources to create a part time librarian position focused on Open Educational Resources 

  • Increase professional development opportunities for Libraries staff to expand their knowledge of and involvement in Open Educational Resources

  • Provide training for ODU faculty on Open Textbooks through VIVA and the Open Education Network at least twice per year  

  • Collaborate with the campus Open Educational Resources Committee on sustainable implementation of OER and affordable course content at ODU

  • Increase OER adoption and creation by 20 percent over five years

Strategy I.2.C.  The Libraries will advance and support the University research enterprise through expert knowledge of scholarly communication issues, including the benefits of and need for persistent identifiers, open access funding alternatives, and open access publishing alternatives.    

  • Collaborate with campus stakeholders to fund a membership with ORCID and implement campus-wide adoption

  • Provide education and advocacy to faculty and graduate students on the use of ORCID

  • Investigate avenues to support open access funding for faculty and graduate students and implement new options

  • Publicize and provide training on use of ODU Digital Commons as an avenue for green open access and expand repository services to include monograph publishing

  • Increase professional development opportunities for Libraries staff to expand their knowledge of and involvement in open access initiatives

Goal I.3. The Libraries will use the results of user assessments to continuously improve public-facing services.*

Strategy I.3.A.  The Libraries will implement a comprehensive system and accompanying procedures for tracking informational, reference, and research transactions. 

  • Implement LibAnswers at all library and branch service points using standardized dataset based on information the ODU Libraries are required to report to campus, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and professional organizations. 

  • Customize the LibAnswers dataset as needed for service desk needs 

  • Implement full version of LibInsight to import Lib Answers data and produce reports

  • The Libraries will track 100% of interactions in LibAnswers/LibInsight by January 2025.

Strategy I.3.B.  The Libraries will evaluate services on a regular schedule, use results to plan and implement improvements, and share results with stakeholders. 

  • Conduct the LibQual+ survey every three years beginning with the 2022 survey

  • Analyze results and develop action plans to address findings including additional assessments that may need to be conducted

  • Report on results and actions to stakeholders

  • Create a public dashboard to demonstrate the impact of Libraries services

  • Key indicators will show steady improvement across LibQual+ survey iterations.


Public-facing services include the customer service experience at the Learning Commons and Branch Libraries, reference and research assistance from Liaison Services and Special Collections and University Archives and via chat, online and classroom learning activities and workshops provided by Libraries Education and Assessment, Liaison Services, Special Collections and University Archives, and others, and end user interactions with the Libraries website and online resources/services, including interlibrary loan and document delivery. 

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