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ODU Libraries Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

Learn about the Libraries' 5-year plan and our related accomplishments!

Implementing the Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan defines the overall structure and direction that the ODU Libraries will use to determine both daily work and special projects over the next five years. The success of the Plan will require each Libraries department, work group, team, committee, task force, and individual supervisor and staff member to evaluate their own goals, align them with the overarching goals of the Plan, and commit to making the changes that will help the Libraries and University move forward. Implementation will be overseen by members of the Libraries Management Team, which will establish processes for reporting and assessment, including: 

  • Twice yearly reporting on Strategic Plan-related activities and accomplishments via a public-facing dashboard 

  • Creation of departmental implementation plans where appropriate 

  • Integration of Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies into individual staff and faculty goal setting and performance evaluations 

  • Integration of Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies into annual work plans for individual teams, committees, and task forces 

  • A series of informational meetings to increase Libraries staff knowledge of concepts and developments in each of the Focus Areas 

  • A series of meetings to discuss successes and setbacks in each of the Focus Areas and update plans for continued progress 

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