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ODU Libraries Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

Learn about the Libraries' 5-year plan and our related accomplishments!

Writing & Feedback

The Libraries Management Team held its second retreat in August 2023. There the team focused on working from the SWOT Analysis findings to identify strategic goals. What strengths could be activated to help the Libraries take advantage of opportunities and mitigate the threats we face? What weaknesses leave the Libraries vulnerable to threats and prevent us from seizing opportunities when they arise? The draft goals from this day-long discussion fed directly into the writing stage, which began in mid-August 2023 and ended with a first draft of Strategic Goals and Strategies later that same month. 

Feedback from Libraries staff and ODU stakeholders was an important part of the process. The draft plan was presented to staff on October 4, 2023, with a comment period open until October 20, 2023. The Libraries also held open forums for the University community on October 10 and 12 and shared the draft plan at a meeting of the Library Student Advisory Council on October 19. A final draft, incorporating feedback from this variety of sources, was completed on October 20, 2023 and presented to the Provost’s Council on October 23, 2023. Additional presentations are scheduled with the Office of University Advancement, Student Government Association, and others. Please contact the Dean of Libraries if your department or organization is interested in a presentation or discussion!

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